Tips to run business during COVID-19 | 100% government guidelines to run event business.

Know 100%  government guideline and measures to run event business during COVID-19. 

Here in this article you will understand some tips to run business during COVID-19 to prevent yourself from contagious virus.

Today, everyone is aware about the corona virus named COVID-19. It is a pandemic going across the globe. Also it has affected millions of people with their health and businesses. It is very important now to overcome such problem in order to get back to the routine life. 


Social gathering plays a vital role in organizing any event across the globe. There are various types of events which accommodates thousands and millions of people at a time at one place. 

Whether it is sunburn festival at Goa, Kumbh mela at Haridwar or Allahabad, Jal Mahotsav at Madhya Pradesh at domestic level or FIFA world cup, Summer Olympics, UEFA Champions League, Rugby World Cup etc. at international level. 

Even some of the Indian weddings have crowd of even 6000-8000 guests.

Now talking about COVID-19 and relating the same to the event industry, it can be said that it is one of the most drastic thing that has ever happened to the event world globally. All social and economic activities have come to a standstill and this will continue for at-least 4-5 months more. 

People on other hand have started adopting virtual and online platforms like virtual hosting, virtual DJ, games for meeting and greeting, marriages, birthday parties, etc.

But sooner or later we all have to get back to our work and routine life including the celebrations and rituals with all the precautionary and preventive measures because no one knows when this pandemic will end. 

Even if COVID-19 will tail off from some countries, there are some measures and guidelines to be followed by event companies and the event guests in order to prevent the further spread of this contagious virus named COVID-19.

(Also read: Classification & types of events)

Recommendation for whole event workforce:

Here are some of the best health measures to be followed pre and during the event for people at large, whether they are the invitees or the hosts, participants or the audiences, so that you can prevent yourself and others to be the victim of contagious virus.

Guidelines & measures to run event business.

Tips to run event business during COVID-19

Recommendations to event organizers/ event team/ event vendors (Pre-event and during event measures – including venues)

  1. It is necessary for event companies to ensure availability to wash basins for hand wash, alcohol- based hand gel and hygiene facilities at multiple locations in the event facility and accommodation.
  2. Issue hand rubber gloves, face masks, hand sanitizers, sanitizer screening at gates, thermal screening, tissue papers, clean and hygiene draining system, clean water bottles and many more to everyone present during the event.
  3. Ensure good hygiene signage across all venues for Washrooms, basins, drinking water facilities, dustbins etc.
  4. Medical team at venues should check guest and all event staff’s temperatures, any temperatures above 38°C/98°F should be reported to the event medical lead/chief medical officer. Follow advice on the management of ill travelers at points of entry (international airports, seaports, and ground crossings) in the context of COVID-19
  5. Make sure capacity to isolate suspected cases of team/officials & event staff and volunteers, support workers etc.
  6. Ensure availability of rubber gloves to team staff and volunteers handling laundry, towels, etc.
  7. Recommend that towels are for single use only.
  8. Provide each invitees with a clean water bottle.
  9. Make containers to dispose of used tissues with lids available at distant places in the venue.
  10. Provide each event team with a thermometer (e.g. infrared) and a recording sheet/internet link for guest’s temperatures. If this is not possible, can each event team be equipped with a non-contact sensor thermometer?
  11. Determine where an individual diagnosed with COVID-19 will be cared for and isolated.
  12. Determine where a contact of a confirmed cases will be quarantined.
  13. Define a place where a large number of people can be quarantined in case of a large number of athletes or event staff being exposed.
  14. Predetermine emergency contacts with local health authorities.
  15. Medical masks should be ready for use by organizers’ medical staff and sick individuals
  16. Provide disinfectant wipes and advise venue cleaning staff to disinfect door handles, toilet handles, bathroom faucet handles, etc. in all areas several times per day.
  17. Develop and make available risk communication on:
i.  Clinical features of COVID-19 and preventive measures, especially respiratory etiquette and hand-hygiene practices.
ii. The criteria for asking individuals with symptoms to leave the venue or retreat to a designated area.
iii. Information on physical distancing at every place of events.
iv. Information on the use of face coverings and medical masks to everyone gathered at events.
v. The meaning and practical implications of quarantine, self-isolation and self-monitoring in the context of the event, e.g. not attending.

(Also read: what is event management and who are event managers)

Recommendations to event audience or guests or participants (Pre-event)

  1. Anyone participating/invited in the event (athlete, guests, volunteer, official, vendors, event management team, food handler etc.) should proactively and regularly check their health status (including taking their temperature, and monitoring for any symptoms).
  2. Anyone who is feeling ill before the event should not come to the venue.
  3. Team staff and volunteer leads should ensure that their teams and volunteers are briefed on the protocols for a suspect and confirmed patients, on infection prevention and control measures and on where to find more information.
  4. Wash hands often with soap and water. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water not available. Hand sanitizer stations should be available throughout the event venue, the accommodation, and on team buses.
  5. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing. Practice respiratory etiquette (maintain distance: at least 1 m), cover coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues or flexed elbow, wash hands). If coughing persists, isolate and seek medical advice.
  6. Avoid contact with sick people, including avoiding close contact with those suffering from acute respiratory infections.
  7. Avoid contact with anyone if you are ill.
  8. Gloves should be worn by team and event staff handling towels or laundry in the team environment.
  9. Towels should not be shared.
  10. Athletes should not share clothing, bar soap or other personal items.
  11. Recommended protocol for the use of water bottles:
  12. Good team hygiene includes ensuring all players, officials and staff has their own water bottles to prevent the transmission of viruses and bacteria.
  13. Bottles should be labelled and washed (with dishwasher soap) after each use/every day.
  14. Advise invitees not to touch their own mouths or nose.
  15. Avoid shaking hands or hugging.
  16. Avoid steam rooms or saunas.

(Also read: 15 + types of vendors you need for successful event management)

Above mentioned guidelines and measures are some tips to run event business during COVID-19. Few of the tips can also be used for other businesses and for daily life routine. 
Also the "Events and Entertainment Management Association" (EEMA) has issued report on how COVID-19 affects the event industry. You can read that article too to grasp more knowledge about effects of pandemic over events.

So guys is there any tips or precautions you wan to add ? ... tell me in the comment box :)
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May 31, 2020 at 4:55 PM ×

Dear Saurabh
All thinga which you have mentioned is so important for allover event companies to run their business .... Pleasure to read this .... Tysm
